What Is A Gypsy Winch Typically Used For?

Choosing the best possible winch for your business can be a trying experience. One of the most unique that you can use is called a gypsy winch. It utilizes what is called a gypsy wheel that will rotate. Its primary purpose is to wind the chain as you are lifting and lowering an anchor. Used on ships for various purposes, it is an anchor winch, one that can keep the position of your boat very steady. These are also referred to as a gypsy windlass. They can be powered by electricity or hydraulics. This is how you would typically use a gypsy winch.

Single Gypsy Winch
Single Gypsy Winch

The Parameters Of The Gypsy Winch

There are different factors to consider when choosing one of these winches. You need to know how many gypsy wheels are used with the one you are purchasing. The load capacity can be quite high, often reaching as much as 100 tons winch. The load capacity can also contribute to the size or diameter of the anchor chain. The larger the chain, the more weight it can pull. Finally, the speed at which the cable or chain can be drawn back, or let out, will hover around 10 m/m.

The Components Of The Gypsy Winch

There are quite a few components on a gypsy winch. This will include the gearbox, braking system, chain stopper, gypsy wheel, shaft, and base. There is also the electrical control system which allows you to not only control but monitor everything. At the base of the chain will be the anchor. This is brought to the surface when you are ready to move your boat. These components all work together to perform the simple operation of lowering and lifting the boat anchor.

Double Gypsy Winch
Double Gypsy Winch

Additional Components That You May Encounter

On more advanced anchor winch models, you may find an electric drive, diesel drive, or hydraulic drive. Larger units will have two gypsy wheels. These can be used in tandem, or one of them can simply be optional. A warping head, along with the winch drum, may also be part of this apparatus. Depending upon the size of the ship you are on, and the depth of the water that you are in, these are factors that will affect how you use the gypsy winch.

How To Find A New Gypsy Winch For Your Boat

Due to the popularity of these particular winches, most companies that manufacture and sell winches will have them. By looking at the parameters of each one they are selling, you can decide on which one will be right for you. In some cases, businesses may offer special pricing options. This will apply to all of the different sizes. Before you purchase one, remember to also look at the working load, support load, working load, and overall motor power. This can help you in making your final decision.

If you do not yet have an anchor winch on boat, you may want to consider a gypsy winch. These are very easy to install, and even easier to use. They are designed to ensure that your vessel remains in place. Whether you have the one that is powered with hydraulics, or electricity, they are often very comparable in their capabilities. To save money, you must inquire about each one that you find. By contacting the manufacturer directly, they may have a much more affordable model that will be exactly what you need.



